Brief Medical History Overview
Chronic Back Pain - Triathlon Training - Help

For the last 6 months I have had discomfort in by back - in between the shoulders which flares up from time to time and goes into spasms and gets really sore. It wenr when doing reverse dips at circuits and I can't seem to shrug it.
I've been to a chiro for 3 sessions and was getting nowhere. I have been to my local physio and been given exercises and had a massage - it's still bad and I'm now about £150 down - how much more do I have to spend to fix this problem?!
It's hard to nail down which of the three sports is causing - or was it a weakness from years of bad posture in a sedentary job and the sport has just been too much? I started triathlon training a bout a year ago - only sprint distances so no crazy distances involved. I have been stretching it a lot but it never totally clears.
I guess before the training it was not perfect but I've just had the day off work as it cricked in the shower this morning and has been very painful. I have an appointment at the doc on Monday and he is going to do blood tests etc but I'm sure that wont help.
Can anyone advise as to where to go from here?
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