Hello all.
This is my first post, I am a physio student and amateur bodybuilder from Australia.
I have a bizarre problem that bothers me immensely in the gym. Aside from this problem I am fairly healthy (some LBP issues).
During bench pressing, dumbell flies and other similar exercises I am able to perform some reps at fairly heavy weight (say 35kg), but as I continue to do work the rear part of both of my shoulders (teres minor/major area) starts to feel very 'swollen' and fatigued. The rear of my shoulder becomes too fatigued to continue long before my chest and triceps are worked heavily. I have also noticed that I accumulate a large amount of blood in the shoulder region and even down my arms so that my arms become very vascular and uncomfortable. These sensations subside when I discontinue lifting.
I am able to do most other exercises problem free, though some such as dumbell lateral raises create a similar sensation. I have been to a physio who suggested tight structures in the rear shoulder, though stretching the area doesn't seem to help. This has gone on for about 2 years now, does anyone have ideas?
Furthermore, I also have some other symptoms in my right shoulder that concern me. When performing dumbell lateral raises at approx. 90 degrees of abduction I hear and feel a 'clunk'. I feel the same sensation doing unweighted abduction, particularly if i keep my elbow bent. Also, in the region of my AC joint I feel clicking and grinding sensations during overhead press, though I have had no traumas to the region. Any further help with these issues would be appreciated too!
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