Age: 87, Female, No Investigations, No Diabetes, Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: the swelling is connected to heart megalopoly as far as I can discover
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Hip, Groin, Pelvis - Anterior - Right
My mother has had a hip replacement (right hip) she normally wears pressure stockings due to swelling in her legs which are difficult to put on but she manages. Since having the operation she has been staying with us to recuperate and I have have putting on and removing the the very difficult white elastic stockings designed to prevent DVT. Soon she will be returning home, we do not live near, and she is very independent. The problem is that she has been told not to bend forward nor raise her knee but will need to put on her stockings . We would be grateful for any advice.
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In the US we issue sock aides. They are hard plastic that the sock fits on and has 2 "ropes" , 1 on either side that pulls up . When the foot is in the plastic piece inside the sock is pulled up nd the guide slips off. Other items are a long handled shoe horn, shower transfer bench, elevated toilet seat,and grabber. With these she can cope. We have thrift stores or 2ndhand stores where many of these can b picked up. If not then ask a therapist where you can get these