go to an orthopedic doctor, probably, it is superficial digital neuropathy or neuroma and since it is chronic, maybe it needs steroids injection or even excision of the problem nerve.
Just tell me if you find relief in any way.
Following a period of treadmill running, I suffered severe pain in my right big toe. There is no redness or swelling and I can bend the toe normally without pain. Everyday walking is fine regardless of the type of shoe I wear. However, come the evening, I get a 'fizzing' sensation and acute shooting pain in the toe. There is no pain on the top of my foot or ankle. The pain continues throughout the night, often keeping me awake with varying intensity. I have had u/s and there was no specific damage. I have tried ice packs and Ibuprofen gel to no avail. This has been intermittent for three years now. When it eases, things are fine but when it rears its ugly head, the pain during the night is maddening. Any suggestions ??
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go to an orthopedic doctor, probably, it is superficial digital neuropathy or neuroma and since it is chronic, maybe it needs steroids injection or even excision of the problem nerve.
Just tell me if you find relief in any way.
The foot can be especially challenging indeed.
Have you had an appropriate sensory/motor assessment? Specifically a neurological assessment?
I would be inclined to see a Physiotherapist concomitantly, as they can possible massage the plantar fascia to relieve any possible tightness of the tissue (not relieved by stretching as the Plantar Fascia does not contain GTOs). Stretching of the specific muscle may be incorporated as well, but should be balanced with equivalent stretching of the opposing muscles (i.e. plantar flexors).