Ok you crazy kids. I'm new on this forum, and I'm not a physio. Shame on me. However, I'm in dire need of some physio advice. I will walk your dog for 3 days if you give me sound and fruitful advice (Assuming you live or vacate in Norway)!
Hello, welcome to the friendliest forum on the web 
My problem:
I'm a powerlifter.
Ahh, my specialty...
A week ago I bench pressed, however, this specific bench I was using has a different lift-off height than the usual competition standard, inhibiting my usual movement.
Normally I would do the lift-off with straight arms in a pull-over-like motion, that is; rowing it toward my chest using lats and a high back arch. The lower pin setting forced me to do the lift-off with angled elbows and arms flaring instead of tightly tucked along torso, and yes dear readers, now I am **** up.
The injury was acute, and it felt somewhat like beeing stung by a bee. Not excruisiating pain, but a tender numbness straight away.
Is there pain on resistance of the tricep? Or pain on movement?
My triceps lateral head is now rather bloated, it seems. Some would say even slightly distorted.
Sounds like an effusion at the moment, where on the triceps is the pain? Towards the elbow or the shoulder?
No severe pain, but absolutely discomfort. My range of motion isn't hampered, but lockout strenght of my left arm is redused by at least 20%. (I'm not using this arm any more, I merely tested it for function). Also, my elbow radiates pain to my lower arms and even posterior delts.
On excentric movement, my elbow makes a popping noise, and it feels like a tendon jumps about. Sometimes my little finger falls asleep. That's about it.
Definitely sounds like a triceps issue based on what you have mentioned, it is merely a matter of where on the muscle it has occured, more towards the tendon or on the muscle belly
Please, anyone, tell me how I should go about to make this thing go away, and how long it takes for something like this to heal. Please, please!
This will take a few days to get over the acute swelling phase. Rehab will take much longer, weeks to months based on how motivated you are towards physiotherapy and how smart you are about rehab. THe idea being that you need to get to full function, not just alleviate the pain. By going back to early you risk re-injury and scar formation due to microtearing. The best thing to do is to take it slowly.
Additionally what Have you done so far?