Is there any possibility to receive examples of previous PCE exams and how?
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Is there any possibility to receive examples of previous PCE exams and how?
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Last edited by physiobob; 08-09-2011 at 10:38 AM.
Myself and another person are looking for study partners in Toronto/GTA for the Nov 2011 clinical exam. It's a little different however, because we have written the recent July PCE and have not yet received our results. But! We're staying positive and would like to begin studying for the practical exam.
We're looking into studying at least 2 days a week, and will be meeting in person to get practical experiences, so I'm not interested in doing any skype meets. If anyone has any off-time access to clinics or physio equipments for practice, that would be a bonus!
Last edited by thphysio; 02-08-2011 at 09:51 PM. Reason: Additional information.
fine with me. when do you want to start?
Hi Chris,
I am interested Please contact me at
I am planning to appear my clinicals by this nov and iam Toronto based
I'm an physio preparing for the NOV 2011 PRACTICAL. Anyone interested in forming a study group or would allow me or put me to join a current study group in the Toronto area? I know i am late but could not help it as i was out of the country. Please email me at
Anyone interested in an Ottawa study group for the Nov 2011 Clinical? Private msg me plz!
We are starting the Exam Prep course on Oct 29 if interested send a private message
with your e.mail and I will send the details.
I am intersted in joining the course. Pls send me details my at my email
Hi Friends
Is this prepration course for written exam or clinical. Kindly reply
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 PM ----------
I am preparing for PCE written component. If anybody interested please reply
Hi Everyone
Is anyone interested for group prepration for PCE written component for may 2012. Kindly send me a message or reply. I live in Toronto.
Hi, iam interested to participate for it. please, replay to me to arrange for this.
hi i want to know what this exa is about.if its about working in canada pls let me know how to get in and the procedure to follow to pass the exam
---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 PM ----------
how do i get to work in canada
CLINICAL EXAM_JUNE 4 ,2012-canada
looking for serious candidates for group practice/study for next practical component -june-2012
e mail with your location . best of luck--
e-mail me
PCE Exam Prep classes are starting in the last week of February 2012 by experienced teacher, please send an e.mail to
Hi all,
I would like to form/join a study group appearing in June 2012 for clinical.
I live in Niagara Falls, but am OK with travel to Toronto every weekend.
Please contact me at
Course Summary:
ICP is providing Exam Review courses taught by an experienced Teacher, to prepare Canadians and foreign-trained professionals to work in Canada.
To become a fully registered Physiotherapist in Canada, you must pass the physiotherapy competency exam. The exam is comprised of two parts: a written and clinical component.
Getting a license can be a very frustrating and difficult process, exams are very challenging and preparing for exam can be very hard and time consuming, in such situations it is best to have a professional help.
Registration is open for weekends, week days.
(647) 824- 4481
Please call after 12pm. to book an appointment!Company Name: ICP School Contact Name: Ms. Malik Contact Phone: (647) 824- 4481
Hi everyone, I am going for Nov. 2012 clinical exam. I am interested in forming a group in scarborough/markham area. Anybody interested please contact.
I recommend you share your ideas here: Yahoo! Groups
Hi nemo,
im just wondering if you wanna sell your npte book by sullivan if you have.thanks
Is it true that its better to give exam in July as the Canadian grads give exam in Sept- Nov.I mean does it make any difference if i give the written part in Nov 2012.Thanks
Hi all,
I am moving to Calgary this summer and will be sitting the November 2012 written exam. I have been searching for availability of a formal preparatory skill course/workshop within the Calgary/Edmonton axis. similar to the one organized by the University of Toronto MCQ Exam Skills Preparation Workshop — Physical Therapy and the University of BC Internationally Educated Physiotherapist :: Home. So far the only course I have been able to find is a PTHealth run programme, but it applies to the clinical (OSCE) exam.
Does anyone know of any similar programme running this Summer/Fall in Alberta?
Course Summary:
ICP is providing Exam Review courses, to prepare Canadians and foreign-trained professionals to work in Canada.
Registration is open for Thursdays and Fridays.
(647) 824- 4481
Please call after 12pm. to book an appointment!Company Name: ICP School Contact Name: Khushi Contact Phone: (647) 824- 4481
Hello Everyone,
I am looking for a study group in Vancouver BC to study for the clinical component of NPE / PCE in November 2012. Anyone interested, please email me.