Hi everyone,

First of all thanks for viewing. Well i am a 15 year old boy well 16 this year.
Recently like 1 and a half months ago i injured my right leg while playing soccer. it was a free kick and i think i gave it too much power and heard like a pulling or a snapping sensation, went to the doctor and he said it was a tear or a pull and told me to just rest and so i did . a month or so later i felt no pain and began jogging,few days later back to playin soccer and it went well for like 30 minutes until i passed the ball to the left from the right flank (with my right foot) and heard like a minor pull sound and it hurt and like sorta burns and couldnt walk properly till i got home and put some ice on it. and now 2 weeks later , i can walk perfectly fine without pain and even jog , but if i twist my right leg to the left then it hurts a little. im guessin by what i saw on google its the illiacus or some abductor muscle . and im friggin desperate to get on the pitch again. any thoughts of treatment to get me there anytime soon??

would really appreciate replies.

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