
Been having some pain in my left knee that seems to be on the outside just above the kneecap / ITB insertion point. It came about as i banged my knee on the post at the top of the stairs when i was rushing around 2.5 weeks ago! First week was sore but it gradually reduced in pain but now the pain seems to be slightly static in that it does not seem to be lessening. It mainly hurts when i walk up stairs but going down is pretty pain free. Sort of feels as if underneath the kneecap is 'sore' or 'swollen'. No real bruising ever presented externally and the knee does not look swollen. I dont have any weakness as such and i can stand on the effected leg on its own without issue.

Is this a bit typical in terms of recovery in that 2.5 weeks is not that long to still be suffering with this or could there be more to it?

thanks for any help

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