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    knee pain from impact


    Been having some pain in my left knee that seems to be on the outside just above the kneecap / ITB insertion point. It came about as i banged my knee on the post at the top of the stairs when i was rushing around 2.5 weeks ago! First week was sore but it gradually reduced in pain but now the pain seems to be slightly static in that it does not seem to be lessening. It mainly hurts when i walk up stairs but going down is pretty pain free. Sort of feels as if underneath the kneecap is 'sore' or 'swollen'. No real bruising ever presented externally and the knee does not look swollen. I dont have any weakness as such and i can stand on the effected leg on its own without issue.

    Is this a bit typical in terms of recovery in that 2.5 weeks is not that long to still be suffering with this or could there be more to it?

    thanks for any help

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  2. #2

    Re: knee pain from impact


    Sounds like you've developed a patellofemoral type problem. Probably due to swelling in and around your kneecap from the injury. Try icing it (no it's not too late) and look in to taping it. Either seek help from a physio, or see if you can find a demo of patellofemoral taping on the internet.

    The taping should help reduce pain.
    I'd then look at doing a few squats and some itb stretching.
    You can also do self massage to your itb using a tennis ball (again - should be able to find a demo of this on the net)

    Hope this helps.

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    Re: knee pain from impact

    thanks for this - i have been on the road for the last week and a half so not been able to ice really, i'll look into trying this out, would NSAID's help?

    There is soreness when resting in bed and also flexing the knee to drive causes some pain. What i dont really understand is that when i actually hurt this apart from the initial impact pain it was pretty much fine, this lingering soreness seems to have crept in over tha last week and a half or so.


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    Re: knee pain from impact

    well this has taken a turn for the worse in that although i can navigate stairs with only stiffness, no real pain, i now have generalised patella pain in BOTH knees. This is made much worse with sitting with flexed knee. When i wake the 'good' knee, my right, is pretty much fine and the left is achey but as the day goes on and with sitting at a desk the pain in the kneecaps is bloomin sore!

    Feels very inflammed and walking around will help to alleviate it a bit butthey both just feel angry.

    Any clues anyone? I am trying to get in to see a sports medicine doc but to be fair i am kinda freaking about this as the pain is pretty severe and NSAID's seem to not do much. I am icing but again i dont know how much good that does.

    thanks for any advice

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    Re: knee pain from impact

    update - sports doc did an ultrasound scan and i had a tear in the VML at the insertion point of the tendon, this had caused a hematoma. This has been helped some by ultrasound treatment, massage, ice, patience and stretching.

    However i still feel something is 'wrong' in this knee so i pressed for an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI - This showed the inflammation of the tendon but interestingly showed a tear of the medial Wikipedia reference-linkmeniscus. Thats interesting as i hit the outer side of the knee but the tear is on the inner side, is that possible?

    I do get pain with walking now but this is in the back and inside of the knee so perhaps that fits with a meniscus tear.

    Does that fit and as the tear is described as minor on the report will it heal itself? It also states that its not displaced and i do not get catching/locking?

    thanks for any clues.

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