Does anyone have any ideas about this?
I do a bit of work with a semi-pro football team and one of the coaching staff has come to see me because of an injury he picked up in 5 a side (a classic grade one mcl sprain, no worries there).
Then while i was talking him through his treatment plan he said that he'd been having other problems with his knees for quite a while (over a year, insidious onset). He has extremely tender tibial tuberosities, one side slightly worse than t'other, noticable effusion around his patellar tendons which he says have been there for a while, pain on resisted quads activity, squatting etc
This is a guy who had osgood schlatters and severs as a 13/14 year old that stopped him playing football for around a year but hes not had knee pain since then until this started. Everything else was pretty normal in terms of muscle bulk etc although i couldnt go mad with ligament tests because of the mcl sprain and swelling from that. Anyone got any ideas? can 35 year olds get osgood schlatters?
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