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  1. #1
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    Stretching between sets

    I recently overheard a sports trainer at my gym stating to his client that stretching between sets (of weights) resulted in a decrease of strength. I have search everywhere but cant find any information on this. There only appears to be information on pre and post exercise strertching, and nothing specific to weights.

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  2. #2
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    re: Stretching between sets

    Hi, my name is Pedro
    That is a good question and I´ll try to get some answer, than I let you know.

  3. #3

    Arrow Re: Stretching between sets

    dear colleague:

    a ctually i know that stretching exs as passive stretching doing at assessments to exclude if there is contractueres or spacticity at mucles also this exs doing pre doing any type of exs and post &through working spescially who depend working on offices ,....

    book of therapeutic exs containes alot of information about this
    all best

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    Re: Stretching between sets

    This might well be true due to over lengthening of the cross bridges. We already know that massage results in a decrease in strength, for memory both concentrically and eccentrically. What would be the readon to stretch between sets? If the strengthening exercises are full range (which they should be) then there is no need.

    The other important this is that stretching can lead to injury if done between sets. I know that because I used to body build and one day after doing one body part I pay on a inversion table for 15mins before doing lateral pulldowns behind the neck (something I no longer recommend - infront is OK). Anyway I was then doing my first set of heavy pulldowns with writs straps to the bar and .... rupture .... either a rib joint or a lower thoracic disc. They had to carry me out of the gym into the massage room and support it so I could breath. The pain was incredible and even now, over 15 years later, I still have the pain during some rotation exercise.

    Thus after this experience I never do any major stretching between sets. Basic stretching sure, but nothing particularly organised.

    Maybe someone has some more specific research answers on this issue.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Stretching between sets

    Hi, no research i am afraid but comments/info!

    1. physiobase - you may need to see Dianne Lee or LJ Lee whenever she is in town nearest you - they have some great solutions for the rotational instability you seem to have.

    2. A former body builder once told me that he didn't stretch between sets so that the "blood didn't leave the muscles" and he got a better workout. I think he meant that stretching changed the length-tension relationship in the muscles and he felt less "pumped up" and "weaker" if he stretched.

    Lastly, stretching seems like a nice thing to do AFTER exercise. It is a nice chance to wind down and think about nothing (or everything else). Definitely done best when warm.

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