Quote Originally Posted by physiobob View Post
Sounds like it is still an achilles issue to me. Could be a tendinitis on top of a more chronic tendinosis. Rest doesn't stop the cause and longterm pain relieft would not be instant. it often takes several months to get to the painful stage. 10 days rest won't resolve and heal the tissue. More like 6-12 weeks. The eccentric work needs to be done with a slightly flexed knee to work the soleus and not bias the gastrocnemius (which would be the case with a straight knee).

I'd also suggest getting a running show with a higher heal than the toes area, e.g. a Nike Air Pegasus. If not you can add 5mm or so of heal life in your existing running shoes.
After the first AT trauma I had 10 - 12 weeks off from running. (still cycled) I did both straight leg and ben knee eccentric heel drops until I was pain free. Then I incorporated some heel raises as well to start the strengthening process. First with no added wieghts and then with small weights added to a backpack. Eventually I was running and competing pain free. This period lasted about 4 - 5 months until the recent issue a couple of week backs. This pain is completely different to the previous pain - in that it disapeared completely for a few days but when it does return it is pretty much constant in intensity (pretty low intensity as well) Before if I walked for 30mins at lunch the pain would increased - with this pain this does not seem to happen as much. Also there is no pain when running which I had with the previous AT. Someone suggested a trap nerve further up the linetic chain could be causing it? Assuming it is AT then I guess I should just continue with what I have been doing previously - ice, heel drops and using a heel raise in my work shoes and for running. I have 2 more races left this season and then will rest up for a few weeks - if it still bothering me after that I will get a full assesment done.