Hi guys,
I am not sure if any of you can assist me or offer me some advice? But I have a pain in the front of my shoulder. If I am resting its fine, there is no swelling and it's painless. If however I place my arm out in front of me and turn my palm upwards (supination) then I get a nasty pain right in the front of my shoulder. If my palm is facing down then I can lift my hand over my head without pain.
However, if I touch my shoulder with the same hand and tense my bicep I get a nasty pain. This pain is at the very top of my bicep into my shoulder and not in the bulk of the bicep itself. Even putting my shorts on and the pulling up motion causes me pain. My bicep doesn't look disfigured at all and I feel like I've got the same power but I just cannot use or have the mobility due to the pain. Can you tell me what it is? Any advice and help would be much appreciated! Is it Bicep Tendonitis or something else? I'm really confused????
Just for your info as well:
This injury happened while in the gym I think??? I was using a bench and pressing some weights. I felt a pull at the very front of my shoulder and like a fool continued my workout, despite it being a bit uncomfortable. I am also a keen rock climber so this sport is heavily focused on bicep, lat and forearm work.
Anyway 7 weeks later after not doing anything, taking anti-inflammatory and performing hot and cold bathing on the injury it's no nearer to going away or the pain easing off and I don't know why? Is this normal? I have been ice packing my bicep and shoulder every night as well.
I have been seeing a physio who is not 100% sure themselves it seems. They don’t seem to offer a clear explanation and help me understand my problem. I have asked to see a consultant. I will but that's a couple of weeks off yet...
I just need some help and wondered if anyone who knows much about this sort of injury can help me or if anyone that has experienced this can offer some words of advice?
I can't play sports and it's getting to me!
Sorry it's long winded but I wanted to explain everything as best as I could.
Many Thanks
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