Hi folks,
I have previously posted after I injured myself (I think in the wrong forum) and now the situation has moved on further and I am again seeking advice!
I had never ever had any ankle trouble in my life, until I tripped up on a mat in my porch while wearing some too large boots (I had them on only to step outside!) and went over on my ankle. (Inversion injury I believe the hospital said)
It swelled up massively almost instantly and I sought medical attention the next day as I was limping badly.
The 'kind' nurse xrayed it and said it was 'just a sprain' and would probably happen againNo physio offered!, nothing (NHS)
I gave it 6 weeks and it seemed to have recovered really well.
bad mistake, I went back to sporting activities, had a bad landing during a sponsored parachute jump (for charity as well!) and fell awkwardly. Im not 100% sure but I may have done the other side this time!!! (eversion), or possibly all over.
The ankle swelled up again (not as badly) and I went straight to a sports physio place the next day.
They put together a recovery plan and said I would be fully back to football and all sports in 3 months if I followed the plan. They diagnosed it as a grade 2 sprain but said they had seen a lot worse! (slightly comforting strangely).
I had a cryocuff for the swelling and the intensive plan seemed to work.
I was walking again after a few days, and after 6 weeks I was feeling really good about the injury. I was religious with the exercises I was given and have continued the wobble board once they signed me off as they felt I was recovered.
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