
I am a personal trainer and have a particular problem with one of my clients. It
occurs when I get him to go into a full press up position. He can’t keep his scapula
depressed and retracted, instead his scapula are very wide apart and sticking out.
If he tries to do a press up his thoracic area collapses down, his head and neck
juts forward and his scapula come together. I have done loads of shoulder stability
work, TVA, lower and middle trap work, rhomboids too. What is going on? From my research so far in am thinking he has weak anterior serratus. Any good anterior activation exercises for me? I am constantly telling him to see a physio which I think he will eventually do. I have noticed in general allot of people can stabilise there shoulders, but not there TVA at the same time and vice versa. What is that all about? Some people out there might think as a trainer I should know these things already, in my defence I will say that we all start somewhere and I am doing my best to learn and progress. I am discovering a passion for corrective exercise but I find the shoulder complex very difficult! Hope someone can help.


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