Hey en eq,
Have you checked the alliance website, they seems to have some info about the current status of the applications, not too much info, but still will tell you what stage is ur processing in!. And just a heads up, I know that in Australia there is a lot of advances in manipulation and mobilisation teqniues stuff like mulligan etc.. but dont expect to find that in Canada, the Registered Physio just assess the patients and sets up a treatment protocol, mostly exercise therapy techs, gait training, balance training, use of assistve devices etc and some ultrasound therapy.. that all the Physiotherapy you can find here in Canada. As fas I know if you want to do some real hard core therapy like spinal mobilizations, then you need to take separate classes and insurance etc before you can. The bulk of the treatments are carried out by PT assistants or aides, and if you are unlucky enough to get a job as a PT assistant in an old age care home, you will have to treat about 70- 80 residents a day and break your back each day before you go home. Although there is a time limit set by the ministry which should be followed, it hardly ever is. What the ministry says is that to be counted as one session of physiotherapy for 1 person who needs individual care the min time limit is 15mis, and for a group exercise program, a group of no more than 4 residents for 15 mins minimum. Where I used to work, i was made to handle about 15-20 residents in one group for about 20-25 mins. The PT's make the PT assistant do it, because the PT's are paid per person they treat on a daily basis. the more residents a PTA treats, more money the PT gets.. as simple as that.... The case in clinics are also pretty much similiar, may be not too much of exercise therapy but pretty much the same picture.
I just want you to know how things work in Canada, Good Luck.