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    I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice

    I got my reg last week and here’s some help. Read this first http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/f...s_aug_2007.pdf so we have lost most of the 3 yr students with no experience and Indian qualified physios. The rest of you read this http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/o...rationform.pdf several time, it has a lot of the answers.
    I used http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/r...quirements.pdf as a guide to what they are looking for.

    COMPETENCY 1: Analyse the pure, behavioural and social science bases of physiotherapy and integrate this knowledge into practice
    I used my university syllabus to answer the questions and backed it up with student placements and clinical work where appropriate
    For 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 I read http://www.euro.who.int/document/E74467.pdf this and reflected on it.

    COMPETENCY 2: Analyse consumer(s) health needs and wants
    Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some objective measure sheets as evidence (RM HAD etc) clinical reasoning proforma.

    COMPETENCY 3: Plan physiotherapy management
    Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some sheets, my assessment sheets

    COMPETENCY 4: Implement safe and effective physiotherapy management
    Used my student placement feedback, and clinical experience, also some sheets, my assessment sheets for hydro and acupuncture
    Aduit of notes with reflection,

    COMPETENCY 5: Communicate effectively
    Used my student placement feedback on communication, feedback from students I supervised, and IST and presentation

    COMPETENCY 6: Provide education
    Used KSF/ IPR, supervision of student and junior physios, information booklets I developed my patients, presenting back class / knee class run by my trust

    COMPETENCY 7: Apply management principles to physiotherapy practice
    Setting up classes in the trust eg post-op knee class, purchasing equipment, reflection of a stressful situation, ID a lack of education for a patient population and developed a booklet, prioritising patient referrals, managed students and organised their diary, being on-call and delegating work, working as part of an MDT , supervision of juniors and doing KSF

    COMPETENCY 8: Conduct research
    Protocol and dissertation

    COMPETENCY 9: Develop individual professional growth
    IPR / KSF, letter of validation from seniors,

    COMPETENCY 10: Demonstrate accountability to the public and
    student syllabus, trust standards/ HPC/CSP, dissertation, letter of validation.

    Any info I couldn’t evidence I got my seniors in the 3 areas to write a letter of validation and they signed it. Also got another boss to fill this in http://www.physioboard.org.nz/docs/w...validation.doc you could use this instead of writing the letters.
    All the info you send sign and date it and get your senior to date and sign it, any photocopy’s you need a solicitor to sign it. The CV that I sent was slightly expanded that a normal one and I used it to reference it.
    Post everything off, your letters of validation is separately posted. You also need to get a bankers draft I had to join Barclays to get this. It took me about 6 months to complete.


    Hope this helps I will answer some question, but most of the answers are in the info provided
    How for my flight and visa, ohh and a job


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    I got my NZ reg first time, here's some advice

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