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    some symmetry issues

    Hi people!

    I've some symmetry issues and have tried all sort of method but i'm not seeing much results. I need some help here =(. Attached is my front and back pics.

    First the most disturbing issue. My left shoulder girdle is protracted and much higher than the right. I use to be a archer but has quit the sport for some time. I have visited the sports masseur and i was told that archery could be the cause. I was told to do rowing exercise to pull my scapula back as well as some lateral pull down exercises which will work my lats and lower traps. My left pec minor and major is tight too. I was advised to do some stretching on that as well. I've been doing the suggested exercises from close to 6 months but have seen limited results. Am i missing something? I also notice that my rhomboids tender to the touch and there seems to be a tight band near the spine of the scapula which i suspect is the levator scapulae.

    Next, some other problems. I realized that my torso is shifted left relative to the pelvic and my head is shifted to the right relative to the thorax. I've just finish reading anatomy trains by thomas myers and understand that all these asymemtric problems are related by the means of compensation by the body. But still i'm not sure if i'm doing the correct exercises and stretches which i'm required to perform. Will exercise and stretching put me back into symmetry or do i need some other form of treatment?

    I will appreciate your feedback

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