Hi Johnc24. I am new to this forum as well so I am not allowed to post any direct links. However, you'll find some very useful information by following my signature link. I suffered a Whiplash injury in 2007 and myMRI showed that I have a herniated cervical disc and bone spurs on 3 vertebrae in my neck. I have suffered with this for over 1 year now but am improving fast due to a back pain program that I discovered called "Erase Your Back Pain". Before I used this program, the only thing that worked for pain relief was deep tissue massage but this never addressed the cause of the pain. Look for the info on Malton Schexneider...he has a 90% success rate and has treated celebrities like Barry Manilow ; there is a link to his website for more detailed info; it will help you. Good luck and happy xmas!