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    24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I'm not even sure where to start. A few years ago I started noticing problems with my back. I have never really had back pain but my back seemed weak, I would constantly be twisting and turning to 'crack' my back. I think maybe it was a stabilization issue. I saw a lot of chiropractors but no help. I think it may have stemmed from me always slouching and curling up when sitting.
    I went to physical therapists and had xrays and was told I had tight hamstrings but stretching them seemed impossible so I think something else was tightening them.
    A year or so later now and its just getting worse. My shoulders slouch my chest is tight. My glutes are so tight or weak it feels like they don't activate. When I try squats they get really tight for days then go back to how they were. Something is inhibiting them. My abs feel weak but I'm not sure. I can flex them but I can't do situps barely. I think my hip flexors have shortened, and they feel very uneven. My back still feels very unstable. My lower back sort of feels non existant and my pelvic floor isn't functioning right.
    I'm constantly uncomfortable but not much pain. I'm not growing because of these imbalances in my muscles. Ive tried pushups situps squats, hip flexor e,ercises but the imbalances always offset any improvement. I also seem to have an anterioer pelvic tilt. I have to avoid sexual activity because it really weakens me its hard to explain.
    I don't know where to start here, I want to feel normal again. Any help is really appreciated, thank you.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    If it helps it feels like my muscles are bunched up at the base of my spine/buttocks area. Maybe it is stemmed from hamstrings but they are so hard to stretch or strengthen. They get sore and feel strained usually afterwards. Could they be so tight or weak that light stretching wont work?

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Well just for the record ive worked my lower muscles so much Im almost positive the root of my problem is in my neck or shoulder/traps. My neck makes a thumping sort of sound when I spin it I'm guessing do to tight muscles, and my right shoulder is lower than my left. My traps feel uneven and out of whack but working them feels wrong, it makes my neck uncomfortable. I'm gonna do my best to try and stabilize my neck hopefully I find some success.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Have you ever thought of trying the Alexander Technique - it is fantastic for helping with postural problems. I've been taking lessons for about 2 years and it has really helped with my back pain - it hasn't cured me but I can manage my problem much better now.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Thanks I will look into that technique. I'm almost certain now its my hip flexors that are shortened causing all the problems, tilting my pelvis and all. Hamstrings feel shortened too but I'm not positive which is causing which. Also my hip flexors are tighter on one side but I don't know how to distinguish which so its hard to know which to stretch or both. I'm going yo try and buy a heating pad and ankle weights to strengthen the flexors. Unfortunately I have no health insurance or this would obviously be so much easier.
    Thanks for the response.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    I'm not a professional - but from everything I have read and experienced myself via physio and osteo, if you have tight muscles which cannot be stretched you probably need some "release" via massage - look for someone who practises myofascial release or trigger point therapy. Sports massage therapists use these techniques as do some physiotherapists. Ultra tight muscles may be "locked" into being contracted - and will react AGAINST stretching.

    Alexander technique as someone suggested is also all about release, but works in a very gentle, quiet way, aiming to help you release tension and correct posture without forcing or stretching anything. If you are someone who experiences a lot of emotional tension - or are stressed - you might want to have some sports massage to get some release first, then do the more gentle work such as Alexander Technique which takes longer but is aimed at the cause of the issue.

    Good luck.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Maybe someone can answer this for me. If my right shoulder, upper/mid right back and right side of neck are really tight and somewhat knotted, could it be my left hip flexor is tight causing this? My hips feel uneven one tight one weak or lengthened maybe but its hard to say which and I usually stretch both but that can't be right. Thanks for the responses. If I could afford the massage or physio I'd go believe me lol, just sorta struggling on my own for now.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    You're a bit messed up like me - though you've managed to do it at a slightly younger age.

    Tell me if I'm wrong, but by the sounds of the exercises you are doing, you may not be correctly addressing your core stability. Depending on how messed up you are you may find you can just do this and other things will sort themselves out.

    First you need to sort out your pelvic floor and abdominals by the standard zip-up Pilates technique. The situps you do may only be stregthening your superficial muscles - let me know I can send you links to how to do this correctly.

    Then the bit that could really help: you then turn over onto your front, do your abdominal contaction and at the same time tighten your gluts.

    Apologies if you've tried all this - it doesn't work for everyone, but at least this is free to try.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    I have been going through a very similar experience- thinking my way through a complex causal chain of muscular imbalance whilst putting up the constant upsetting discomfort of having your body not work properly. I have got to the stage where I think the root cause can be traced back to either dysfunctional ab/core muscles or gait/foot problem( I have both and at this point am not sure which causes which or whether they are co-founders of my physical dilemma). The tight, painful back, tight hip flexors, weak glutes etc for me were just part of the chain.

    So yes, I second looking at your core muscles but also suggest you focus some attention on your feet and gait and see if there is any issue there.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    sezchwarn - I know this is not our thread - but I would be interested in the things that have helped your back/hip/foot.

    In particular have you had success from core exercises alone or do you mix with other treatments. I had initial success just doing core exercises put now I think I need to address other issues such as posture, walking style etc. The current list I'm looking at are Alexander technique, Egoscue Method, osteopathy, soft tissue therapy (Dr. Craig Benedict), Esther Gokhale. More ideas welcome.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Hi it has been a bit since I posted. I have not made any progress yet unfortunately I have tried stretching, running, exercises. I believe you that my core might be the center of the problem but I cannot work my abdomen muscles. When I do situps and whatnot my hip flexors seems to do all the work and get tighter. When I try to stretch my tight hamstrings/ankles they seem to just get tighter and not give in.

    Any advice on how to get a good core workout with a hip flexor problem?

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    Tight hip flexors and tight glutes?

    I have a problem with really tight hip flexors and I have tried everything to return them to normal. My pelvis is being pulled and its ruined my posture and causes constant discomfort and I do not know what to do. I have read that hip flexors and glutes may not both be tight because they are antagonists and that the glutes should be strengthened to fix the tight hip flexors but my glutes feel tight and when I do squats they get really tight and cause my lower back to tighten up. I read to strengthen abs as well but when I do situps my flexors seem to take the brunt of it and it just is not effective. Im 24 years old and feel like I am 60 it is really weighing on me and I cannot make it in for professional help at the time. Any input on whether my information is correct and what I can maybe do? I have tried many hip flexor stretches but it seems like it doesn't stick when I stretch them out, which certainly isn't easy. My legs are way out of whack, my quads tight I believe and hamstrings possibly stretched way out which and my ankles are always tight and cracking. I know it is all related but I don't have a clue where to begin I have tried alot.

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    Re: Tight hip flexors and tight glutes?

    I keep going round and round this one the same as you. Even with professional help it damned hard. I've had enough success at times to suggest the following order of exercises : in your situation it will probably take you several months to make progress.

    So the order of core exercises is:

    1. Abdominals
    2. Gluteals
    3. Hip Rotators

    I will write out my physio notes for these 3 levels (pictures would help I know)

    1. Abs: Lie on back with legs bent and feet together. Tilt pelvis to find the middle position (spine neutral). Pull up your pelvic floor muscles as hard as you can, feel your tummy muslces move inwards. Aim repeat 10 times hold for 10 secs. Once this is easy add in a leg slide and then a leg drop to side.
    2. Gluts: Lie face down with your hips and back relaxed. Pull the stomach up and in, and gently squeeze both buttocks and flatten the low back. Build up to 20 secs.
    3. Hip: Lie on side with knees bent. Hollow the stomach as 1. Leave heels together slowly lift the top knee by turning the hip out without letting the back and pelvic tilt.

    Thats your aim: if you can do these 3 you're nearly cured. Easier said than done though.

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    Re: 24 yr old m with major posture problems :(

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi Everyone,
    I started getting back problems when I had a knee injury, I think due to how I limp. Anyway you may want to try this book, as that helped me quell the pain a lot, and then you should find the exercises easier. It should seriously increase your flexibility in tight areas. It will also help you guage which areas actually are tight!

    The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment for Pain Relief Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief: Amazon.co.uk: Clair Davies, Amber Davies: Books.

    Also when you do things like situps etc. possibly try to engage your abdominals from the pelvis by using the 'Zip' technique Bruce was talking about. There's a lot of information about that sort of movement on the Pilates 'about' page. I am no expert but it sounds to me like the bridge would be a good exercise for you to do. That should help you engage your glutes. However check them for trigger points first in the book I recommended. If you don't want to purchase the book then there is also plenty of information about them on the internet. Though I don't feel much beats that book that I linked to, but I'm sure there are some hidden gems on the internet. If you have bad hip flexors you may want to start here on the trigger point side:

    ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: Knee Pain: Quadriceps: Rectus Femoris

    Also check your Psoas for tightness.

    Best of Luck.

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