Hi Englishgarden

It is quite normal to be shaken up by such a close shave with eternity. in fact it sounds like things are working out ok. Did the psychologist mention anything about having a bit of a reaction to the trauma? This can cause anxiety. If it is worrying you, you can always go back to the psychologist. They often have some good practical tips for managing this

With the physio: I wonder if this practitionr is the best person for you?

While only an examination can reveal wt is going on I am skeptical about some of the feedback you have received: i don't really know what the right shoulder " is completely blocked " is supposed to mean. This is not a musculoskeletal diagnosis. It is also way beyond the scope of a physio or osteopath to diagnose a kidney problem. Personally if this what he/ she actually said i sniff a rat - you may be being conned and end up getting a whole lot of treatment that isn't needed. It may be your practitioner is quite alternative. In which case you have to make up your mind whether you want to buy into that framework of therapy.

However If you are feeling a bit vulnerable at present I would tend to see someone who is can manage any resudual musculoskletal injuries in a psitve and supportive way within a framework of you becoming more physically active and empowering you to take control over your rehab