Brief Medical History Overview
Recovery after (pedestrian) being hit by bus

I was recently hit by a bus whilst crossing a pedestrian crossing. The bus had almost stopped but not completely and there was a 'smack' of impact if you like. The bus hit me behind, on my bum basically (saw mark on my coat) and on my left side I think (think I sort of turned), but my memory is vague on this. I was pushed and fell on my two hands.
The pain immediately after accident:
- lower back pain and coccyx pain, pain in buttocks, esp left side
- left wrist pain
- dizziness
- some neck pain
Two or three days after accident:
- more severe neck pain
- pain in hip when moving left leg
- very strange shooting pains in bottom of head/ top of neck
-pain in left foot (it is 'tired' after being used)
-very tired
-psychologically not optimistic like before but I would not say I am depressed nor does the psychologist
I have been examined in A&E and by a general doctor and have now started physio (some 7 weeks after the accident!). I've had the following treatment from A&E and general doctor:
-wrist support for left wrist and didn't use wrist for a week, after that started to write again
-neck collar which I now don't wear much but at the beginning wore all the time
The following x-rays:
- head (lots of different ones)
- left wrist
- back down to the bottom of my back
- scanner for the neck (where it works with magnetism)
MRI scan for the wrist
All of these didn't reveal anything worrying.
Now I have started physio, I have had 2 sessions and my physiotherapist seems extremely concerned. He says:
-right shoulder is completely blocked (never felt any pain before at all!)
-there are significant things wrong with my hips
- left kidney is blocked.
-problems with head muscles and neck
His advice: do things more slowly and work on aquiring 'gentleness' in my life and movements!
Info concerning my previous health history:
-rather low blood pressure
-history of fainting and dizziness
- serious nosebleeds throughout primary school (lost a lot of blood)
-slight asthma (mostly when I was younger) and hayfever
-migraines which came with the dizziness/ headaches (had stopped, didn't have them for a few years)
I was a relatively active 20 year old studying abroad and now I feel okay actually, despite the accident, but my physio is worrying me a lot (he is actually a physio and osteopath) and seems really very concerned. I am also finding it difficult to relax during physio (i've only had 2 sessions). Never really had any othr 'accidents' bar a couple of non-serious riding accidents when 12/13 (haven't mentioned this to physio - should I?). The riding accidents weren't traumatic like this bus accident and I have ridden since without problems (in fact, it was when I wasn't experienced and since then I learnt to sit better in the saddle although I currently do not ride due to the cost).
This accident has shaken me up a fair bit and my boyfriend (long term boyfriend so he knows what I'm like) has said that whilst I am in his opinion naturally gentle and loving, I have anxious moments, and that since the accident, I have become extremely anxious. I didn't really find it very helpful to tell me to be more gentle in life since I am already conscious it's something I need to work on...
Any advice about relaxing during physio and trusting that this guy knows what he's doing?!
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