Brief Medical History Overview
Pain Explored.

This is a generalised attempt to rationalise the phenomenon of pain. An injury or infection occurs at some location in the body, coded nerve signals are transmitted through the nervous system to the brain, and we become aware of a sensation of pain. What we’ve got there are 2 conscious events, i.e. an injury/infection and a sensation of pain, linked by sub-conscious coded nerve signals. The purpose of the sub-conscious nerve signalling is to prompt our conscious being into an appropriate reaction. The nerves, as pre-programmed defensive mechanisms, may have interpreted the injury/infection as one which requires further assistance other than a reliance on default self healing properties, already embedded in the cell structures, and so, they summon our conscious being to intervene.
Perhaps the nervous system has evolved, over many centuries of experiencing horrendous medical experiments, to have reason to mistrust our conscious reactions to it’s signals, and so it retains the option of control over the intensity of the pain sensations it instructs the brain to create, just in case our conscious reactions are not appropriate. That’s hypothetical, but possible just the same. It could also be argued that the pain sensations are simply the nervous system screaming at us that we are not de-coding it’s signals intelligently. Perhaps, all the information we need to know about healing the problem, is already encoded into the signal and we simply don’t know how to de-code this into our conscious reactions. The pain sensation is simply how the nervous system expresses its frustration at our ignorance. Hypothetical, but possible. It wouldn’t be the first time we failed to see the obvious.
It would seem that there would be greater complexity involved in the creation and transmitting of nerve signals, other than to simply create a sensation of confusing pain, which might lead to inappropriate conscious reactions. It just doesn’t make sense that this would be its only intention, and when it comes to sub-conscious activities such as these, one thing is for sure, they are conducted with absolute purpose. There is no allowance for wastage in these processes. Yet there is obviously a missing link between the sub-conscious and conscious activities, an inability to de-code from one to the other, which throws the whole process into a panic state. Again, hypothetical, but possible. In the future, we may well find a way to copy nerve signals onto a software programme, which de-codes them properly, and thus we could react properly, as instructed by our best advisor….the nervous system.
If we assume that our sub-conscious nervous system is always one step ahead of our conscious reactive system, which in all rational thinking, as our primary defense mechanism, it must be, then we can see that it is probably capable of using tactics to counteract our possible irrational reactions. The pain is likely to get worse if we don’t react intelligently. The nervous system is really fighting on two fronts. On one, it is encouraging local healing processes to kick in, and on the other it is engaged in a battle of wits with our conscious awareness. It could be argued that, over time, the nervous system should have evolved a less complicated way to instruct its host and thus achieve best results. Unfortunately, it doesn’t need to refine its systems, its already perfect, and we shouldn’t expect it to lower its methods to accommodate our ignorance. It is our conscious awareness which needs adjusting to make the equation work properly. We only have to look at our own conscious history of failures and inappropriate reactions to know who’s responsible for that broken link.
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