Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 40, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 2 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: slightly better, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Morning getting out of bed, Aggravating Factors:: not tried to do anything to agrevate it, Easing Factors:: rest, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Asacol for Colitis, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No
Achillies Tendinitis
I was working in London the other week and my hotel was about 3 miles from Wembley Stadium. Being a northener I thought it would be interesting to run to the stadium to have a look while I was there.
I was late finishing on the night so could not go then so I went in the morning instead, unfortunately I started getting a bit of pain in the back of my ankle as I was arriving at the stadium, this pain increased when I got there. This caused me a problem because I really wanted to walk back to the hotel but because I was due back in my customers office I did not have time and had to keep running to get ack in time.
As I am sure you can imagine this was getting reallypainful by the time I got back.
Since then I have rested my ankle and have not done any exercise for two weeks but I nwant to start moving again now.
I have seen and tried some exercises which involve stading on the bottom stair on both feet and stand on tip toes then lift one foot off the stair and lower down to the initial position. I am doing this but do not really know if I am doing the right thing.
Can anyone help me? Please.
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