Hi Guys, I'd like a few more opinions on what is causing my aggravation:

The first time the pain occurred (a week ago now) it was severe, immobilising and my first thought was pinched nerve somehow. My entire left arm/shoulder and trapezius were all exhibiting severe pain and no matter what position I got into, it was very uncomfortable, sitting up with my arm mainly hanging down was about the least painful position. Very slight numbness / tingling in the arm/fingers told me it was affecting my nerve. I couldn't understand how it had come about except to say that I can only conclude it was one of two things:

1 - The pain occurred as I was about to go to sleep on the Friday (1st March) night about 11:30pm, the previous morning 6:30 am I had been to the gym (typical) and didn't exercise again in between this and the pain, but my thoughts are that I had overworked / overloaded my shoulders doing gym work which seemed to have delayed consequences - in between this period of time there was no discomfort or anything, the pain was sudden and unexpected. I had done some shoulder shrugs in the gym (not something I always do but not new to myself) and I think this was the overkill part. I'd done various other weight-bearing exercises prior to this that utilise the shoulders too. I'm typically 70kg and regard myself as very active / fit, plenty of carido work with 2 weights sessions a week too. Nothing else I can think of happened until the pain kicked in.

2 - I can't recall if I had 'cracked' my neck just before this occurred (about an hour if that) or if I cracked my neck because of the pain. By this, I mean, at one point +/- an hour of having the pain, I twisted my head purposefully to the left side and it really went with a loud crack - although I have had this occur before without consequence.

Anyway, I managed a total of 2.5 hours sleep that night! And at 9:30am the following day I was at the local physio! It had calmed down enough to be able to drive the 5 mins it takes to get there. The physio's initial assessment was an exceptionally stiff neck muscle, but this bewildered me a little, but she manipulated the area and that was pretty much it, but there was no further relief. The pain was lower all that day but underlying and dull / achy. Again, I struggled to sleep that night but it was better.

The following day, the pain had manifested itself not so much in the trapezius now, but it felt like my deltoid had been detached from my shoulder, that's where the pain was, mainly towards the rear at the joint of the delt/scapula area. It only gave me pain in a few positions, and mainly, sharp intense pain in various positions, like if I were to bend forward to tie my shoelace, instant agony right at the last stretch.

It was (and still is) noticeable that my trapezius is somewhat raised when relaxed, looking in a mirror :


During the nights, I wake after a few hours sleep as the pain starts again, maybe form being in a sedentary position for a long period, but only my back or right side. I'm currently typing as the pain kept me awake this morning! I saw the Physio again on Monday morning, the pain as in 'pinched nerve' hasn't re-occurred but the dull, achy arm / neck pain is still lingering and not subsiding quickly at all. She again manipulated the shoulder / neck, pretty painfully, said the neck muscle has eased up a lot, and also checked for pain while mobilising my arm in various positions (I had then mentioned my theory that it was weight-training related), I was bothered that my rotator cuff could have been damaged, but the positioning and movement of my arm didn't show any pain in any other position. The discussion led to the physio saying that my left scapula is now 'winging', I struggle to raise my arm above shoulder height as it feels very weak, and in doing so, the scapula really pops out. My right, good side is slightly pronounced in this apparently but certainly not to the extent it is happening over the other side.(I am right arm dominant too). So, the basic conclusion was then, kinesio tape over the shoulder to help take some of the stress, and trying to rehab the shoulder into a normal position by outward & upward arm movements while trying to retain the scapula where it should be. This feels almost impossible as I have absolutely no control as the the scapula's movement, but I can feel it's position 'winging' quite easily.

Oh, here is what happens when I try to raise my arms too! Note the flat deltoid & hidden lat, the pic is reversed to compare with the normal right side.


It's now Friday morning and recovery is extremely slow, the dull, achy pain woke me again at 4am, possibly as the shoulder had cooled down while sleeping / being immobile for 6 hours during the night & horizontal.

I'll be seeing the Physio again on Monday but was hoping to discuss something other than my neck/arm/shoulder..as I was hoping it would have eased up massively by then.

Regarding strengthening my serratus anterior in future, I'd be pretty convinced that the 'winged scapula' is not something I should expect to have with the types of weight-bearing exercises I do? I was, up until friday, aiming towards a 100 kg one rep max bench press, but my plans are on hold! That morning I'd done 85kg for 5 reps for the second time that week. I also do a lot of swimming (freestyle) I suppose the training questions should come after! But, for now, I would highly appreciate any input as to this current problem that doesn't appear to be subsiding as quick as I'd like.

Also, is rest a better option, or heat & manipulation advantageous, as I was aching just as much / even more after the seeing the Physio on Monday, the recovery feels delayed somewhat

I'll keep this thread updated too, as I know how frustrating it can be to give input and then not hear a word after that! Thanks in advance.


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