Hi Guys, for anyone interested, I still have this issue! It's been around 10 months now and I have very little strength in my arm when lifting / pushing vertically. I've not done any weightlifting exercises since this occurred. My neck is still easy to crack via twisting in any direction too. There is no pain and I've seen another physio who tried manipulating all the serratus area as well as my pec too, with nothing helping. The winging is still there but according to him, it's hardly winging in a drastic capacity. The one thing that has become more noticable is that behind my clavical, what feels like the trapezius on the left (problem side), is what appears to be a lump / mound - max 1 inch ish, just feels like muscle but it doesn't appear to be apparent on the other side. I believe this could well be the issue which is or has damage the nerve point on that side. It's not painful or tender, jsut feels like extra muscle in all aspects, but permanently tensed yet it doesn't seem to fatigue.
Any further opinions or expertise welcome! I've not seen a doc as I was waiting for it to 'get better on its own' as I had already written it off as something that would fix itself. Think I'll be going to the docs soon enough though, this has been far too long and I'll have to call in my private medical insurance as no doubt serious investigation will need to occur..
Thanks in advance for any support!