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Your left pelvis may be anteriorly rotated. Use muscle energy technique to rotate it posteriorly. This may correct the 1cm leg length.
You appear to have a sway back.
Elongated and weak are hip flexors,external obliques,upper back extensors,neck flexors.
Short and stong:hamstrings, upper fibres of internal oblique, lumbar paraspinal muscles (not short)
This is taken from Neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment by Petty and Moore page 41.
Once the shoulder blade is corrected then do some rotator cuff muscle strengthening.
Do mostly external rotation (teres minor and infraspinatus)You can use theraband to resist the movement.
Some internal rotation (subscapularis)but this may be strong due to press ups.
Try standing against a wall, pull in your core muscle and bend your knees slightly. You can check your pelvis level in this position also(ie left and right)
This position must not be forced but used as a guide to correcting the sway back.Also tight muscles such as hamstrings would need stretching etc.
Let me know how you get on!
Good luck!