Hello everybody my name is Blake I’m from Ontario Canada I have lived with this since I was 15 it was mainly in my left hand gives that claw effect but I can still lift a lot with that hand I lose grip fairly fast but I’m 28 now I’m thinking it might be spreading to other hand up to this point I have done good but recently I have had a lot of anxiety about it never wore collar or seen specialist after I was diagnosed at 15 but I always stayed very athletic my question for someone who may no im thinking about taking steroids to see what effects may happen also Germany is huge into stem cell research I question if some how this could help but I’m going to fight this in my right side just wondering if anybody would no what would happen if I did try steroids or would I be the first to attempt just got excepted for teaching at York university don’t want this to take over my mind this has been on my mind now for a month straight thank god fo this forum because I was starting to get very scared I never really new it could spread witch does suck I hate the tremors but as terrible as this sounds it totally could be worst I started looking up als and that is scared the heck out of me because of my right hand I would really like to no if anybody else done steroids to see what would happen even if it brought back mass or stopped muscle wasting in the right hand