Brief Medical History Overview
Chronic inside upper knee/thigh pain
Hello, I am hoping that someone can help me as I am thoroughly fed up with being injured and think I might go crazy!!
I have been suffering with injuries since september 05 now and as one seems to heal another part of my body flares up. I originally tore my right calf muscle which took ages to heal and caused me to limp for months resulting in pain in my left buttock which became chronic. I eventually managed to get rid of this buttock pain last year by doing a muscle energy technique stretch every day which apparently released my piriformis from spasm. But then whilst trying to do glut medius strengthening exercises my left knee started hurting and it still does now and it won't get better!!
So it was summer 07 that I tried doing 5 shallow 1 legged dips and I got a sharp pain above my knee cap and to the inside (vmo muscle area). I then rested it for a week and tried again and got sharp pain again. I then tried swimming and it flared up big time so that I couldn't walk on it. It was slightly swollen in the same place I had the sharp pain (around the top right hand corner of the knee cap) and felt hot.
I was given gentle physio exercises and told to rest and walking became easier over a couple of months.
Now I have seem to have got stuck, I can walk for about 5-10 minutes on the flat without pain but anymore and the knee starts to get sore and hot and swells slightly. I haven't been able to go upstairs since the summer and anytimes I have tried has ended up in the same results of a sore knee, swelling and heat. Going downstairs makes it worse but not as quickly and just one squat flares it up. So basically I can't do much.
I have been diagnosed with patellofemoral pain now and have a nasty uncomfortable feeling under my knee when the dr pushed the palm of his hand down onto my knee cap. I have also developed pain in my tendon under the knee cap and have just recovered from fat pad impingement using tape. Also my knee is uncomfortable bent but feels great when I do nothing!!
My left glutes are really weak from the limping and my quads are wasting away. My itband is quite tight but apparently not pulling on my knee cap. The knee cap is mobile. I have orthotics.
I am in the nhs system and expect I will have an mri at some point.
The last thing I was told by a physio was that pain on the top half of the inside of the knee wasn't normal so he didn't know what to do. Also he was a bit concerned that my knee had swelling.
Has anyone got any ideas on what I have done?
Thanks in advance
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