I wondered if anyone here might be able to help with treatment (and diagnosis) recommendations. I've had a dull aching pain from the posterior, lateral area of my right knee for 16+ months. It feels like a dull ache that's most focally located in the lateral, posterior region of the knee, but it does radiate up the hamstrings on the lateral side of the thigh. The pain occurs mostly with cycling and running. The pain isn't so bad as to keep me off the bike, and for nearly a year, I was stubborn and rode in spite of the pain. Stupid in retrospect. I've been to 3 doctors and 2 physical therapists who seem to think it's popliteus vs biceps femoris tendinopathy.
For the past 6 months, I've nearly stopped running and biking. The pain goes away with rest. But returns immediately with any light re-introduction of biking or running. I've had 2 steroid injections: one into the muscle bodies (biceps femoris and popliteus) and one into the joint capsule, with no relief. I've tried deep tissue massage, which didn't seem to help. I've been seeing a PT weekly for the past 6 weeks. She does some massage and is trying to having me strengthen the muscles without aggravating the pain. So I've been doing a gym routine of low weight, eccentric strength exercises for hamstrings, quads, and hip abductors. I've also been swimming for some aerobic exercise. This combination of low weight strength and swimming seems to do well in terms of being pain free. But I worry that I'm not making any progress toward fixing the actual problem. I tried an easy treadmill run for 30 minutes earlier this week, and the dull ache was back exactly as before. I should also mention that I've had anMRI of the knee that shows no tears to ligaments or
meniscus. I've also had my bike re-fit professionally since the pain began.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? And can anyone provide some insight as to treatment? I'm ready to give this the time and attention it needs to get better. But I miss the bike.
Thanks for the help!
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