Dr demien.
Thank u for your post and comments on the subject matter.I think i am being misunderstood here.My comment is a reflection of my concern for the chiro profession's stand on many issues in health care. Giving the time of its existence and early training available,chiro as a profession is expected to lead the manual therapy world with other msk professionals to deliver the enormous benefits of manual therapy in a way that is consistent,scientific and reliable.What we get is continue deviation from general medical belief system and self imposed isolation from regular health team.Physiotherapy has emerged to play this role and playing it well at the moment.
Yes,some physio theories and treatment procedures have been challenged by clinical research and their use no more clinically permisible.This is quiet good for the profession and for the pt and the third payer .This is common in all medical field and not unusual.Research helps to determine clinical procedure that add value for money or are just wasting of tax payers money.Therapeutic ultrasound quickly comes to mind here.I stand to be corrected, physio as a profession has done far more than chiro in validating or discarding its treatment procedure in modern practice.Clinical evidencies are far superior to philosophy.The popular GallilioGallili gravitational force quickly come to mind here.When a profession holds on to 18 century philosophy in the face of numerous evidences pointing in the contrary,it may be consumed by the revelations it failed to embrace.
My sincrere appeal to our colleaques in chiro is to embrace modern clinical practices shaped by scientific evidence to win health professionals and pts confidence.yelufem.